The Mobility module gives you full control over your Mobility benefits and budget. You can perform the following actions via this module:
Purchase mobility benefits directly in the app
Submit mobility related expenses
Set and adjust your commute schedule
In order for your employer to easily pay out your monthly commute compensation, it is important to have accurate information. Based on the days you travel from home to the office and back, you will receive a compensation per kilometer travelled. In addition you might receive work from home compensation. Please note that the exact policy differs from company to company, you can find your company's policy in the 'How does it work?' section of the Mobility module.
Setting your typical commute schedule
When you first open the Mobility module in the Alleo app, you will be asked to provide your common commute schedule. You will need to indicate which days your work from the office, from home, and the days on which you are free. In addition you provide your default mode of transportation for your commute.
Deviating from your typical commute schedule
Not every work week unfolds exactly in the same way. That is why you can also make adjustments to your typical schedule. These adjustments will then be taken into account for your monthly allowance pay out.
Get insight into your Mobility budget
You can see the Mobility budget which is assigned to you by tapping the budget amount in the upper right corner. You will then see the following information:
Monthly budget: the amount your receive on a monthly basis.
Monthly deductions: deductions applied on a monthly basis, which will be the case if you have purchased monthly recurring mobility benefits from your budget.
Travel allowance: deductions based on your commute schedule.
I do not see a Mobility budget
If no budget is displayed your employer might still allow submitting expenses or purchasing Mobility benefits. You can confirm this by reviewing your company policy in the 'How does it work?' section of the Mobility module.
Use your Mobility budget
Purchase Mobility benefits directly in the app
You can purchase mobility benefits directly in the Alleo app, like shared mobility services. The purchases are deducted from your monthly mobility budget.
Submit Mobility related expenses
If you have paid for work related mobility expenses out of your own pocket, you can submit an expense request via the mobility module. There are 2 type of expenses you can submit via the app:
Mobility expense with receipt: for example a train ticket or taxi bill. In this case the the expense amount equals the receipt amount.
Mobility expense without a receipt: for example when you have used your own car to travel to a customer meeting. In this case you provide the kms travelled which is used to calculate the expense amount.
As soon as an expense is approved by your employer, the amount will be deducted from your mobility budget and it will be paid out with your salary. To learn exactly when the payout is made, refer to the 'How does it work?' section of the Mobility module.
Please note that the required information for an expense with or without a receipt is different:
With a receipt
Description (optional)
Invoice or receipt
Link (optional)
Without a receipt
Description (optional)
Link (optional)
Trip type (one way or round trip)
Total distance - one way
From and To address