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Budgets overview
Aleksandra avatar
Written by Aleksandra
Updated over 6 months ago

The Budget Overview provides clear insights into the budget each employee has received, spent, and what remains. It includes budgets that can be used on Marketplace benefits as well as special celebration budgets, such as for birthdays or anniversaries.

For Flex salary budgets, please refer to the Leave tab.

The Budget Summary displays the total for all budgets, and on the right, you will see amounts categorised by budget type.

Column Descriptions:

  • Received: The total budget allocated to the employee since onboarding.

  • Spent: The amount spent on benefits in the Marketplace.

  • Settled (applies only to prepaid budgets):

    1. Offboarding withdraw - the budget balance settled with the company after the employee has been offboarded.

    2. Carryover Penalty - the budget deducted from users' accounts if there is a limit on how much they can save up.

You can export this report for further analysis.

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